Pitching Guidelnes

What We’re Looking For

The Plinth magazine wants to open up London’s visual art scene and contemporary culture in ways that intrigue and resonate with a broad audience. 

We don’t run straight reviews per se (‘this is good/bad’), instead aiming to make someone who doesn't necessarily care about art and culture care: 'We created Kanye.' 'This feminist art feels ten-years-ago familiar  that's because the fight is the same.' 


  1. Original and Insightful Angles

Think beyond traditional reviews — what is it about this exhibition or art piece that tells a larger story? How does it connect with or challenge contemporary culture more broadly? We’re interested in fresh perspectives. 

  1. Human and Engaging Narratives

We want stories that are rich with human connection. Your pitch should aim to make the subject matter relatable and draw readers in. Think about how you can connect the artwork or topic to broader themes or personal experiences that might resonate with a diverse audience. Eg a show about economics could be a way of talking about the cost of living crisis, nude studies about body image/social media filters, or a minimalist exhibition could say a lot about how we all crave order

  1. Accessible and Inviting Writing

Avoid jargon and communicate ideas clearly. Your goal is to make the reader care about art and culture, not to give them a lecture on theory. 

  1. Connection to London and the Culture at Large

Of particular interest are stories that use current or recent visual art exhibitions in London as their leaping off point. We also want pieces that chime in on those cultural conversations that seem to be on everyone's lips — whether it be Goblin Mode, nepo babies, or the appeal of Taylor Swift

  1. Personal Voice and Expertise

We enjoy writers bringing unique voices and personal insights to their work. Share why you’re the right person to tell this story. Your expertise and personal connection to the subject is what will make your piece memorable.


How to Pitch



Currently Plinth is able to offer £125 for an 800-word piece.



Send your pitch to Sammi (sammi@plinth.uk.com) with the subject line “Pitch: [Your Story Idea].” 


Please Note

As a small team, we strive to review all pitches carefully, but due to the volume of submissions, it may take some time for us to get back to you. If you don’t hear from us, please don’t be discouraged. We encourage you to pitch again in the future. Your ideas and passion for art and culture are valuable to us, and we appreciate your understanding and patience.